Many states adopted new strategy to protect from Corona
Many states adopted new strategy to protect from Corona

America: Everyone is troubled by the outbreak of coronavirus. Different type of steps are taken by different countries to protect against coronavirus. Countries like China, South Korea, Brazil, Germany have set rules to protect themselves from coronavirus, now people have to work following these rules. In an effort to stop its spread, to prevent the spread of Corona in China, restaurant workers, delivery boys are surveyed block to block in the societies. On the other hand, South Korea has asked its citizens to keep two masks with them to avoid coronavirus, which is being used according to the circumstances around them. If they are going to a more crowded place, then they should use a better mask to avoid the virus.

Germany is making people aware, the government is appealing that people should follow social distancing on their own so that the risk of spreading the infection is reduced. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has set a different strategy to stop the spread of coronavirus. He himself was a victim of coronavirus infection, spent a few days in the hospital. The strategy Boris Johnson has devised is called "Whac-A-Mole" in the language there. He said that if people keep following the rules, then they will be safe. Apart from this, there is currently no other way.

It has been learned that countries have imposed lockdown to prevent coronavirus so that its spread will be stopped. But now coronavirus patients have been found again in China since then other countries have now started looking for ways to protect against the second and third wave of coronavirus.

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