Be careful while taking Lemon Detox diet, know its side effects
Be careful while taking Lemon Detox diet, know its side effects

Lemon detox diet means that you only have to drink lemon juice for 1 or 2 weeks, which does not contain any solid foods. People who adopt this diet believe that it improves your skin and the color and promotes energy and weight loss. This diet is used to remove toxins and cleanse the body. In this diet, alcohol, drugs or other toxins are easily released from the body. However, there is no hard evidence to support these claims. Also, this diet can be harmful in some cases.

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It does not enhance any of the natural processes in the body but can cause an obstruction in them. You all know that without a balanced diet, your body does not get the nutrients and energy to function properly. This includes the removal of toxins and waste products. Fiber is also not present in this diet, which plays an important role in digestion, as it affects the large intestines and metabolism. Without fiber, the large intestine cannot properly remove toxins and waste products.

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Lemon detox diet does not help in removing toxins from the body, but some people feel fresh and active by taking it. Also, they also help in diet weight loss as it restricts calories in very high amounts. A study done on Korean women revealed that a 7-day Lemon detox diet reduces body fat rapidly. But this method is not healthy. And when you start taking the normal diet again, your weight starts increasing rapidly.

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