Living in Shet, 90-Yr-Old Karnataka Woman's Rs 1-La Electricity Bill
Living in Shet, 90-Yr-Old Karnataka Woman's Rs 1-La Electricity Bill

KOPPAL: In a shocking turn of events, Girijamma, a resilient 90-year-old woman residing in a humble shed in Bhagyanagar, Koppal city, was astounded to receive an exorbitant electricity bill amounting to a staggering Rs 1 lakh. This mind-boggling amount came as an absolute shocker to Girijamma, who had been accustomed to paying a modest power tariff ranging from Rs 70 to Rs 80 per month.

Struggling to make ends meet, Girijamma found herself in tears and reached out to the media, making a heartfelt appeal for assistance in resolving this distressing predicament. The media wasted no time in highlighting her plight, prompting the attention of K.J. George, the Minister for Power, who addressed the issue on Thursday.

Minister George acknowledged the glaring error and stated, "The inflated bill was generated because of the error of the staff and bill collector. He informed the woman that she need not pay the bill. The relieved old woman joined both her hands and thanked the officer and media.

Upon arrival, the executive engineer, Rajesh, meticulously examined the power meter and swiftly confirmed that the inflated bill resulted from a technical glitch. It was an error committed by the staff and bill collector, which led to the incorrect calculation. Rajesh promptly conveyed this information to Girijamma, relieving her of any obligation to pay the unjustified bill. Overwhelmed with gratitude, the elderly woman clasped her hands together, expressing heartfelt appreciation to the officer and the media for their timely intervention.

The incident sent shockwaves across the state, leaving the public outraged. Citizens voiced their discontent with the escalated tariff rates and inflated bills that have burdened households.

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