MP govt to hold quiz competition on Ramayana, winners to get special gift
MP govt to hold  quiz competition on Ramayana, winners to get special gift

Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh government is going to organise a general knowledge competition based on Ramayana and its winners will get an opportunity to travel by air to Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh. You all know that a grand temple is being constructed in Ayodhya, the birthplace of Lord Ram. Whoever wins the competition will get an opportunity to travel by air to Ayodhya. According to the information received, an official statement has been issued by state tourism and culture minister Usha Thakur last Sunday. '

It said that an international and national general knowledge competition will be organized on Ramayana. He further said, "The winners of this competition will be given a journey to Ayodhya by air. Last Sunday, Usha Thakur launched a general knowledge competition at the "Prasfutan" programme of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University of Social Sciences at Mhow in Indore district. These will include four students and four general public. He also inaugurated a painting exhibition on Shabri, the character of Ramayana and the supreme devotee of Lord Ram.''

Scholar Mandakini Ramkinkar and other prominent citizens who spoke on the Ramayana were also present on the occasion. Let us also tell all of you that last month, the State Higher Education Minister Mohan Yadav had announced introducing the epic Ramcharitmanas as an alternative subject under a philosophy to the first-year students of the faculty of arts for undergraduate courses in colleges and universities.

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