Make Bread Gulab Jamun as sweet dish
Make Bread Gulab Jamun as sweet dish

Today we are going to tell you about the method of making gulab jamun with bread.

Ingredients: Sugar- 200 gm, water- 350ml, cardamom powder- 1/4 tsp, bread, raisins, milk- 60 ml


1- To prepare it, first prepare its syrup, to make the syrup, first add a little water to a vessel when the water starts boiling, then add sugar to it, now add some cardamom in this water, Allow them to cook till they become thick.

2- Now cut off the brown parts of the braed and make small pieces of bread.

3- Now add milk in pieces of these bread and mix them well like kneaded dough.

4- Now make small rounded ball from this dough and add a raisin in between them and make a round.

5- Now add oil to fry in a pan and heat it well. When the oil gets hot, then fry it until the bread balls become brown.

6- When all the balls get done, then put them all in the prepared syrup for half an hour and leave, your gulab jamun are ready.

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