Manage your time in 6 simple steps
Manage your time in 6 simple steps

Time management can seem like a pain, once you have mastered this skill, it will enable you to get the most out of life. Without making adequate time to study, students hope to get the highest grades and are then disappointed or ashamed when the results prove otherwise.

Once you make the decision, there are a number of excellent time management systems that you can follow.

Here are the tips which can help you to manage time:-

1. Organize your time: The main objective of time management is for you to have a clear picture of your upcoming days, weeks, and months. you have to decide what time you have available to devote to study, recreation, or other activities.

2. Assess your time: keeping track of everything you do for an entire week, from the time you wake up to the time you fall asleep will help you to discover how many hours of your busy day you actually study.

3. Set your priorities: For each subject, decide how to complete all required tasks, over a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. This advance planning will increase your awareness, making it less likely for you to squander time away meaninglessly.

4. Make a schedule: After establishing your priorities, set up a schedule which respects your priorities. Make sure your system is something you are very comfortable with as you will be referring to it often.

5. Plan activities logically: schedule activities according to you bodily cycle as much as possible. If you always feel sleepy after lunch, for example, use the time to get in your daily walk, instead of fighting to keep your eyes open over a history book.

6. Plan some down time: Schedule some time to relax so you can rest and refresh your mind and body. This will enable you to study more effectively.

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