Meta AI Launches in India on WhatsApp and Instagram
Meta AI Launches in India on WhatsApp and Instagram

Meta has begun rolling out its AI chatbot, Meta AI assistant, to users in India. This assistant is accessible through popular Meta applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger, as well as a dedicated website at Meta.AI. Meta initially unveiled this AI assistant over two months ago, releasing it in countries like Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. However, India was not part of the initial rollout, possibly due to the Lok Sabha elections.

Meta AI is integrated into Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger. Users can receive insights from Meta AI while browsing posts on Facebook. The assistant provides real-time search results from Microsoft and Google, making it useful in group chats for planning trips or finding less crowded routes.

Similar to other AI assistants, Meta AI can perform tasks like writing emails, creating poems, summarizing text, and translating between languages. It can also generate images and GIFs within chat windows.

One of the standout features of Meta AI is its integration within popular apps like WhatsApp and Messenger, eliminating the need to use separate apps like ChatGPT or Gemini for AI assistance.

Despite the announcement, some users have reported that Meta AI is not yet available on their devices or through the Meta AI website, indicating a phased rollout.

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