Modi has emerged as 'Bhusgol Vidyarthi' in examination says Lalu Prasad Yadav'
Modi has emerged as 'Bhusgol Vidyarthi' in examination says Lalu Prasad Yadav'

So here the Union Budget has announced and opposition parties criticism raising as well. Reacting to the Union Budget on Monday, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and his coalition partner RJD chief Lalu Prasad termed the budget as ‘Disappointing Budget’ and Modi as ‘Bhusgol Vidyarthi’ (dull student).

Earlier on the Sunday PM Modi said in his monthly radio broadcast that ‘’he had an exam on Monday’’ promoting upcoming budget.

Relatively, Bihar leading party react hard on the Union Budget and said “PM Modi failed in his examination as the budget promises ‘achche din ayenge’ only for the hoarders of the black money and not for the common people’’ said Nitish to the journalist in Patna. Also, Mr. Kumar expressed concern over the lack of mention of any “special package” or of BRGF (Background Regional Grant Fund) in the annexure, which has been a genuine right of the state following the bifurcation oh Bihar to create Jharkhand state.

However, Lalu Prasad termed the budget as “disappointing and anti-people” and said “the budget has nothing on the special package with which the prime minister had earlier promised during the Bihar poll campaign or the grant of special status to the state” and also added “ PM Modi has emerged as a ‘bhusgol vidyarthi’ (dull student) in the examination and got rusticated ion the examination for lying cheating people by offering nothing for any section of the society in the budget” added more he said “adding that in place of bringing black money to the country, the budget has come out with an amnesty scheme for black marketers and capitalists”.

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