PM Modi recites ‘Doha’ on the 500th death anniversary of Sant Kabir Das
PM Modi recites ‘Doha’ on the 500th death anniversary of Sant Kabir Das


Sant Kabirdas was a weaver by profession and acted as teacher and a social reformer by the medium of his writings. Sant Kabir ke done are full of meaning and teachings. He believed God is one and people just worship Him with different names. Today is 500th death anniversary of Sant Kabir Das. We know that Kabir Das is not between us, he left the world a long time ago, but his teachings his writings are still within us. The lessons he taught to the world are still there to show the lost the right path in life. He lived his life like a nomad who always tried to find out the truth of the world and to diminish the lies.

He shows the path of oneness. He left the world but his thoughts and words never left. He is still alive in his words and teachings.

On this death anniversary, we will let you people take the glimpse of Kabir vaani and Kabir Ke Dohe which will show you the way to better life and way of becoming better in life day by day. On this occasion, the ministry of culture has organized a 2 days Kabir Mahotsav in UP. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Kabir Mahotsav in the Sant Kabir district of UP. He addressed the audience with these words-

कबीर ने जाति-पाति के भेद तोड़े, “सब मानुस की एक जाति” घोषित किया, और अपने भीतर के अहंकार को ख़त्म कर उसमें विराजे ईश्वर का दर्शन करने का रास्ता दिखाया। वे सबके थे, इसीलिए सब उनके हो गए .

वो धूल से उठे थे लेकिन माथे का चन्दन बन गए। वो व्यक्ति से अभिव्यक्ति और इससे आगे बढ़कर शब्द से शब्दब्रह्म हो गए। वो विचार बनकर आए और व्यवहार बनकर अमर हुए। संत कबीर दास जी ने समाज को सिर्फ दृष्टि देने का काम ही नहीं किया बल्कि समाज को जागृत किया.

कबीर की साधना ‘मानने’ से नहीं, ‘जानने’ से आरम्भ होती है.. वो सिर से पैर तक मस्तमौला, स्वभाव के फक्कड़ आदत में अक्खड़ भक्त के सामने सेवक बादशाह के सामने प्रचंड दिलेर दिल के साफ दिमाग के दुरुस्त भीतर से कोमल बाहर से कठोर थे। वो जन्म के धन्य से नहीं, कर्म से वंदनीय हो गए.

we are blessed to have a teacher and guide who is not between us but he is alive in his teaching. Rest in peace Sant Kabir Das jii.

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