After the wedding, the bride was not leaving her house, something like that happened...
After the wedding, the bride was not leaving her house, something like that happened...

Nowadays cases of rising crime make all shocked. One such case that has come to light recently is that of Jalore. When the family did not bid farewell to the bride on the second day of the wedding in Kotwali police station area on Wednesday, the groom along with the family attacked the bride side. According to reports, the bride's father Dudaram (62) was killed in the attack, while mother Dhillon and brother Pancharam were injured.

On the other hand, police have registered a murder case against seven persons, including the accused groom, and Kotwal Bagh Singh said that "on Wednesday night, Ramdev Colony resident filed a report stating that his sister Geeta was married to Ranchod Nagar resident Ashok aka Asiya. On Monday, Barat came and got married on Tuesday. The bridegroom side asked to bid farewell on Wednesday, but due to Wednesday, the bride side decided to set Thursday. Then there was a dispute between the two," he said.

In this case, the police said that the bridegroom Ashok returned without a bride on Wednesday morning, but at about 10 o'clock in the night, he came with the family and attacked the bride side. Police have registered a case against the bridegroom, her father Pakaram, mother Pepi, sister-in-law Sukaram, cousin Shravan, Champaram, Lakram and Amararam.

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