Nawaz Sharif developed severe pain due to stones in his kidney: Report
Nawaz Sharif developed severe pain due to stones in his kidney: Report

Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif made several unscheduled hospital visits in London this week after he developed severe pain due to stones in his kidney, as per a media report on Thursday. Sharif, aged 70, who has been staying in London since November 2019 on medical grounds, during his visits to the hospital underwent several tests and scans to decide a course of treatment, the Dawn reported.

On Tuesday, Sharif’s daughter Maryam Nawaz said in a tweet that her father was unable to participate in a meeting of the Pakistan Democratic Movement because of “severe kidney pain” and added that she would attend in his place. The three-time premier, his daughter Maryam and son-in-law Muhammad Safdar were convicted in the Avenfield properties case on July 6, 2018. Sharif was also sentenced to seven years in the Al-Azizia Steel Mills case in December 2018. But Sharif was bailed out in both cases and also allowed to go to London for medical treatment. In November last year, Sharif was allowed to travel abroad for his treatment.

In May, a picture of Sharif having tea at a London cafe along with his family went viral on social media, sparking a debate on the seriousness of his health condition. The Pakistan government has recently urged the UK government to deport Sharif so that the head of the Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) would serve out the rest of his sentence in a Pakistani jail.

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