Corona: Governor warns, '16,000 people may die in New York'
Corona: Governor warns, '16,000 people may die in New York'

New York: New York City Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Thursday that the Coronavirus could kill 16,000 people in New York alone. He cautioned the governors of other cities of America that their cities may also face situations like New York.

Along with this, he has appealed everyone to start immediate action to deal with the coronavirus. In his daily press talk on the Corona epidemic, Cuomo pointed to the data on estimates of deaths cited by a group related to the Gates Foundation. According to these estimates, 93,000 Americans and 16,000 New Yorkers will die by the time the epidemic ends.

Cuomo said that, "If you believe this number, then there are 16000 deaths in New York, that means thousands of deaths are going to take place outside New York too." Cuomo alerted the governors of other states that this is the problem of New York today, but tomorrow it may also be a problem in Kansas, Texas and New Mexico. He also warned other state governors to remain alert after seeing the current situation in New York.

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