Open House at IISER Bhopal for students in high school and colleges
Open House at IISER Bhopal for students in high school and colleges

In a bid to offer high school and college students, teachers, parents, and representatives from the business community an opportunity to learn more about teaching and research at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal, the Institute on Sunday held its first "Open House" through the Centre for Science and Society (CS2).
The institute showcased its science, engineering, humanities, and economic sciences research and teaching facilities to the visitors through live experiments, scientific demonstrations, lectures, and exhibitions, as per an official statement.
According to an official release, the institute showcased live experiments, scientific demonstrations, seminars, and exhibitions to show visitors its research and teaching facilities in the humanities, engineering, and economic sciences.
Prof. Shiva Umapathy, Director of IISER Bhopal, said during the event's opening remarks, "This is a terrific opportunity for students to acquire a taste of contemporary science and research facilities at IISER Bhopal."
IISER Bhopal has informed that were are nearly 1400 visitors attended the event. 

For visiting high school and college students, several departments of IISER Bhopal organised tours of research and teaching facilities such the central instrument facility (CIF), multimedia classrooms, museum, and central library. In addition, instructors from IISER Bhopal organised pre-recorded seminars, and competitions for students and guests included quizzes, open-mic nights, and interactive sessions.

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