Despite violent demonstration, most tourists arrived in this country
Despite violent demonstration, most tourists arrived in this country

Hong Kong, the progress country of the world, may be going through political turmoil these days, but it is the first choice for strollers around the world. This has been revealed in the report of London-based market research firm Euromonitor International Limited's Top 100 City Destinations 2019. The report describes the destinations that attract tourists from all over the world for many reasons.

According to media reports, Asian cities dominated this list. After that there were cities in Europe, then America, and the Middle East and Africa. It has been said in the report that there has been a significant increase in the number of Chinese tourists here. The last year list and latest list did not show much change. Yes, the city of Istanbul has definitely managed to make it to the top 10 in this year's list. The city was ranked 12th in the 2018 list.

The ranking of famous European cities like Milan (35) and Vienna (37) has fallen down. Croatia, Slovenia and Sweden have improved their rankings. Muradada, the city of Egypt, jumped 45 places to 82nd in a high jump. The report states that except New York (8), America's Miami (27), Los Angeles (29), Los Vegas (34), Honolulu ( 81) As cities rankings fell. At the same time, Dubai was ranked seventh on the list, performing well compared to last year. There has been a huge decrease in the number of tourists in Hong Kong due to the demonstrations against China and the government. Comparing about 30 million tourists in 2018 In 2019, tourists are estimated to be down by 8.7 percent. Despite this, from the point of view of tourism, this city retains its dominance.

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