Threats of 'Pani-Puri disease' increased after Corona, must read this news before eating
Threats of 'Pani-Puri disease' increased after Corona, must read this news before eating

HYDERABAD: A top health official of Telangana has blamed Pani Puri for the huge number of typhoid cases reported across the state. Director of Public Health Dr Srinivasa Rao said that typhoid can be termed as 'Pani Puri' disease, and advised people to avoid this and other street food during the current rainy season to protect themselves from typhoid and other seasonal diseases. Referring to the habit of several persons swallowing several pieces of 'pani puri' at roadside shops, he urged them not to spoil their health. "You can get Pani Puri for Rs 10-15, but tomorrow you may have to spend Rs 5,000-10,000," he said.

He said that vendors should also pay special attention to cleanliness and ensure the use of safe drinking water. Rao said that this year more cases of typhoid are being reported. 2,700 cases were reported during May, while during June this figure was 2,752.

Contaminated food, water, and mosquitoes are recognized as the main causes of seasonal diseases, including malaria, acute diarrheal disease (ADD), and viral fever, which have emerged in the past few weeks. This month alone, 6,000 diarrhoea cases were registered across the state. Rao advised people to eat fresh food and boil drinking water. He said that a total of 1,184 cases of dengue have been reported in the state since January. Hyderabad alone reported 516 cases. Dengue cases have been reported in almost all the districts. 563 cases of dengue were registered in June, while 222 cases were reported in the first 10 days of this month. The state is also reporting malaria cases.

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