PM Modi, Amit Shah, Rajnath Singh visited Bharat Ratan Vajpayee on his 93rd birthday
PM Modi, Amit Shah, Rajnath Singh visited Bharat Ratan Vajpayee on his 93rd birthday


New Delhi [India], Dec 25 (NT): Prime Minister Narendra Modi, along with Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President Amit Shah and Home Minister Rajnath Singh visited former prime minister and Bharat Ratan  Atal Bihari Vajpayee on his 93rd birthday, on Monday.

All Saffron leaders reached Vajpayee's dwelling at Krishna Menon Marg in Delhi to greet Atalji on his special day.

Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Modi, as well as other chief political dignitaries together with President Ram Nath Kovind and Defense Minister N Sitharaman, Union finance minister Arun Jately, posted birthday wishes on their Twitter wall to extend their sentiments to much-beloved Vajpayee.

veteran shortest working Prime Minister of India and proud of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Atal Bihari Vajpayee, is celebrating his 93rd on Monday.A political persona noted for his worthy leadership and contribution to Indian politics, Vajpayee is the only non-Congress leader who functions the nation as the prime minister and completed his full term.As the Bharti Janta Party former turn 93.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee first vista to politics was in August 1942, when he and his elder brother Prem were detained for 23 days during the Quit India Movement, when he was released only after giving a written undertaking, expressly declaring not to participate in any of the anti-British struggles.

With an especial gesticulation, the Narendra Modi-led government in 2014 declared that Bharat Ratna Vajpayee's birthday would be marked as Good Governance Day yearly.(NT)



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