PM Modi lauds cricketers, junior hockey team in 'Mann Ki Baat'
PM Modi lauds cricketers, junior hockey team in 'Mann Ki  Baat'

PM Narendra Modi commended the national cricket group and the lesser hockey  side for their late victories, saying that their exhibitions have done the  nation pleased.In his 'Mann Ki Baat' address to the country, Modi valued the donning  achievement that India has accomplished in the past fortnight amid which  the cricket group steered England 4-0 in a Test arrangement while the  lesser hockey group got to be distinctly best on the planet. "Being Indians, it is, however, common for us to feel elated.

In the  cricket arrangement against England, India has triumphed 4-0. The youthful  Karun Nair scored a triple century and KL Rahul played a splendid 199 run  innings. Test commander Virat Kohli batted to a great degree well  furthermore gave the rousing administration," Modi said.   "Indian cricket group's off spin bowler R Ashwin has been proclaimed  'Cricketer of the Year' and in addition the 'Best Test Cricketer' by the  ICC for the year 2016. My heartiest congrats and numerous great wishes go  to every one of them," he included.

Modi then went ahead to praise the lesser hockey group. "Following a hole  of 15 years, there was uplifting news, in certainty great news from the  hockey field as well. The Junior Hockey Team lifted the World Cup."This accomplishment is a promise of something better for the eventual fate  of our hockey group. I compliment all our cricket and hockey cooperative  people from the center of my heart," he included.

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