PM Modi spoke to NCC cadets, says, "Now it will not be postponed, will be collided, will be dealt"
PM Modi spoke to NCC cadets, says,

New Delhi: PM Narendra Modi while addressing the NCC cadets in Delhi said that no one can stop the rapid growth of a country that has discipline, strong will, and loyalty. Addressing the cadets, PM Modi said that the NCC is a very strong platform to empower the country's youth power, values, determination and patriotic spirit of the country. These feelings are directly linked with the development of the country.

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PM Modi further said that today our country is recognized as a young country in the world. More than 65% of the country's people are under 35 years of age. The country is young, we are proud of it, but thinking of the country should be young, it should be our responsibility. The PM said that now he will not be postponed, will be hit, will be dealt with. PM Narendra Modi said that which citizen of the country would like that his country does not have the latest tools of war.

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The PM has said that you will be surprised to know that for 30 years no new fighter aircraft has been included in the country's air force. The PM said that he is satisfied that in this government, the country has got the modern fighter aircraft Rafale. PM Modi said that soon Rafale will fly in the sky of the country.

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