Potato Souffle: This is the first time you'll eat breakfast
Potato Souffle: This is the first time you'll eat breakfast

If you want to eat something good today, today we are going to tell you (Potato Souffle) Potato Souffle Recipe, it is easy to make and very good to eat. If you make it, your family will love it. So let's know how to make it.

Essential Ingredients – Potato Soufflé Recipe
Bowl potatoes = 3 medium-sized
Mix cheddar cheese = 1/2 cup great
Mozzarella cheese or parmesan cheese = 1/4 cup great
Milk = 1/3 cup taken at room temperature
Garlic powder = 1/2 tsp
Black pepper powder = 1/4 tsp
Red chilli powder = 1/2 tsp
Eggs = 2 large sizes
Salt = 1/4 tsp or by taste
Coriander leaves = 2 tbsp finely chopped
Melted butter = 2 tbsp
Soft butter = to grease the bowl as needed
Bread crumbs = to coat the bowl as needed

Potato soufflé method – For this, first of all, you can put the boiled potato in a bowl and mash it with a masher. After that, add salt, red chilli powder, black pepper powder, garlic powder, mix cheddar cheese, mozzarella or parmesan cheese, melted butter, green coriander and milk. Now boil one egg in another bowl and put it. After that, take out its yolk and put it in the potato mixture bowl. In the same way, boil the other egg put its yolk and put the egg white bowl on one side. Now after this, mix the potato mixture well with the spatula.

Now beat the egg white with an electronic beater till it gets a stiff peak. After this, put the beaten egg white in the potato mixture and mix it by folding it with a spatula. Now take 4 bowls in the same way. Now one by one, grease the soft butter well with a brush. After that, take a bowl and put some bread crumbs in it, while holding this bowl over the other greased bowl, keep rotating the bowl containing the bread crumbs. With this, the bread crumbs should be coated well on the sides of the bowl as well. Now while rotating the bowl in this way, if the bread crumbs fall, then it will fall in the other bowl itself. This way your bread crumbs will not be wasted.

With the same process, coat the other three bowls with bread crumbs. Now fill the mixture of potatoes in the four coated bowls equally. Now after this, put the four bowls on a baking tray and let it bake for 20 minutes at 220 degrees Celsius in the preheated oven. Finally, remove them from the oven.  

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