President Kovind praises Uniform Civil Cod in Goa as a matter of Pride
President Kovind praises Uniform Civil Cod in Goa as a matter of Pride

President Ram Nath Kovind, who participated in the Goa Liberation Day celebrations held on Saturday to commemorate 60 years of liberation of Goa from the Portuguese colonial rule, praised the Uniform Civil Code which is in practice in the Goa terming it as a matter of pride. The President said that it is a matter of pride for Goa that its citizens have adopted the Common Civil Code, by which the cultural diversity in Goa has been encouraged. 

At the time where there is a strong demand to implement uniform civil code across the country, the President statement praising Uniform Civil code in Goa captures more attention. "Today is particularly memorable not just for Goa but for the entire country. On this day in 1961, after about 450 years of colonial rule, Goa was liberated from foreign rule. Your ancestors did not let the torch of freedom be extinguished. Many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives to keep it burning", President said. 

President praised the state people as extremely hard-working which is evident from the state leading position in terms of per capita income. He also praised CM Sawant's 'Atmanirbhar Bharat, Swayampurna Goa' initiative. He lauded CM saying Pramod Sawant is truly pursuing the rich heritage of late Manohar Parrikar, his predecessor. The RSS and the Azad Gomantak Dal and the Goa Mukti Sena efforts to liberate the state has been praised. The spirit of hospitality of the people of Goa is great, he praised "The natural beauty of Goa is unique and the people here are true representatives of the tradition of 'Atithi Devo Bhava'". Last but not the least he applauded the Goa Government work during the pandemic outbreak. 

51st IFFI to be held in Goa from January 16 to 24, IB Ministry

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