The President of India, Draupadi Murmu addressed the nation yesterday 7:00 pm on the eve of 76th Republic Day of India. Today, the nation celebrates 75 years of the adoption of Constitution and enters 76th Year of being a republic. In her address, President Murmu said “how far we have travelled despite adversities.” The fact that justice, liberty, equality and fraternity have always been a part of the heritage of India’s civilization. She also praised India’s Space docking mission, saying that Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) was taking “giant leaps in space in recent years.” With the Genome India project adding a decisive chapter in the history of science.
The President further praised the replacement of the Old criminal laws with three modern statutes, adding that lately there have been efforts to change the age old “colonial midset”. She also went on citing the benefits of “One nation, one election” saying that it can lead to consistency in governance, preventing policy paralysis while reducing the financial burden.
Major highlights from the speech
The President of India highlighted the theme of democracy from the Constitution, mentioning India’s achievements and growth in economy, science, international relations and more in the year 2024:
The President reiterated what she addressed last year. She said that the Central Government had “redefined the notion of welfare, making basic necessities including housing and access to drinking water a matter of entitlement.”
She called inclusion “the cornerstone of our growth saga.” Adding that this included the distribution of fruits of development as widely as possible. Mentioning that the Center contuinues to work on financial inclusion with schemes like Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, PM Jeevan Jyoti Beema Yojana, MUDRA, Stand Up India and Atal Pension Yojana.
Economic growth is “persistently high” in recent years, with creation of more job opportunities for the youth, more money in the hands of the farmers, at the same time lifting people from poverty. The President said, “the bold and far-sighted reforms will sustain this trend in the years to come.”
The President highlighted on increased investment and the transformation of education sector through quality of learning and infrastructure.
Apart from this, she also hailed India’s victories in sports which is a reflection of the nation’s confidence. She mentioned the performance of Athletes in Olympics and Paralympics, the win at FIDE Chess Olympiad and special mention of Gukesh D, who became the World’s Youngest Chess Champion.
The President also spoke about the impact of COVID-19 on the economy and hopw the country is heading swiftly towards Digital India mission, the Mars Mission and participation in G20 summit among the others.
Key points from the President’s speech 2024
President Murmu in her speech last year, stated about the various initiatives and measures that the Center took for the upliftment of SC, ST and other marginalized sections. She underlined social justice as the priority of the Narendra Modi-led NDA Government with ‘Sabka saath, sabka vikas.’
She also emphasized on taking affirmative action, a key for inclusion and urging the Indians to “reject the tendencies that fuel discord based on percieved social hierarchies.”