Priyanka Chopra now to be in Victoria's Secret 'What is Sexy list'
Priyanka Chopra now to be in Victoria's Secret 'What is Sexy list'

Bollywood super lady and now Hollywood’s import star Priyanka Chopra added another fether of success on her cap. After appeared  in Hollywood series, Oscar Academic Awards, Baywatch and Jimmy’s chat show the actress added another golden pen in her success list. The 33 years old actress now becoming a part of lingerie giant Victoria’s Secret 2016 ‘What’s Sexy list’.

PC’s made her debut in West with American TV series Quantico got the sexiest eyes tag  Not only the actress, but her ABC thriller show also received the sexiest TV cast title. Priyanka retweeted the the link of the list posted by a fan club on her Twitter page.

"Sexiest eyes and sexiest cast!! Love it! @VictoriasSecret @JohannaEBraddy @MrJoshHopkins @jazmasri @tate_ellington," she wrote. 'Scandal' star Kerry Washington picked up the honour for sexiest actress,

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