On question US expert, Rahul says "I wear masks and I do not shake hands with anyone"
On question US expert, Rahul says

New Delhi: In the midst of the Corona crisis, former Congress President Rahul Gandhi is constantly talking to the media through video conferencing and is also discussing with experts. On Friday, when Rahul Gandhi spoke with former US diplomat Nicholas Burns, the American expert questioned him about the change in politics.

At the end of the entire conversation, Nicholas Burns asked the Congress leader that politics would have changed now. Do you still shake hands with people and go out. On this, Rahul Gandhi replied that "I wear masks and go among people, now politics will change. Now I do not shake hands with anyone." Rahul said that he is talking to people through social media. When the lockdown was implemented in India, people's way of thinking changed. People started fearing things, now it is necessary to end that fear.

Describing the situation in America, Nicholas Burns said that "I think social distancing and wearing mask is necessary. People in America are now becoming careless again. After the Corona epidemic, Rahul Gandhi has come out on the streets many times, during this time he also talked to migrant labourers and taxi drivers. During this time, Rahul appeared wearing a mask and followed the rules of social distancing.

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