Today is Rama Ekadashi, do not do these 5 things
Today is Rama Ekadashi, do not do these 5 things

Let everyone know that this time Rama Ekadashi is on 24 October. Ekadashi is said to be the most important in Hinduism and it is believed that fasting on this day brings an end to all sins. On the day of Rama Ekadashi, Lord Vishnu should be worshiped along with the worship of Goddess Lakshmi. Because it gives very auspicious and auspicious results.

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Many people do not know that Goddess Lakshmi, who also has a name Rama, is considered to be the most beloved of this Ekadashi, hence the name of this Ekadashi is called Rama Ekadashi. Let me tell you that on this day, there are some things that mother Lakshmi is unhappy doing. Today we are going to tell you about those 5 works.

* It is said that rice should not be consumed on the day of Rama Ekadashi. In fact, according to religious scriptures, the consumption of rice in Ekadashi brings flickering in the mind, due to which the mind wanders, so it would be better not to eat rice.

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* On the day of Rama Ekadashi, it is said that you should avoid intoxicating things like drinking alcohol and smoking because it can destroy your religion.

* On the day of Rama Ekadashi, a person should not be under anger and stress because negative thoughts come to the mind due to anger and stress.

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* It is said that if you do not clean your teeth with Datun on the day of Rama Ekadashi, it is better and this is because the branches of the tree should not be broken on this day.

* It is said that to sleep on the night of Rama Ekadashi, sleeping on the ground is auspicious to earn the virtuous benefit of fasting.

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