Try 'Egg Fried Rice' for dinner!
Try 'Egg Fried Rice' for dinner!

Hot-Fried Rice is very good to taste. But have you ever made egg fried rice? If not? Then try it.

Ingredients: 1 egg, 1 spoon of olive oil, 1/2 cup basmati rice, 1 onion chopped, 2 tablespoon cabbage cut, 2 garlic buds finely chopped, 2 tablespoon capsicum finely chopped, 1 teaspoon red pepper Powder, salt according to taste, 1 teaspoon soya sauce, 3/4 teaspoon vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon sugars, green coriander finely chopped

Method: 1- First, soak the rice for 20 minutes in water. Then cook it and spread it on the plate.

2- Now heat oil in a pan, then fry garlic in it.

3- Then add sliced onion and fry it.

4- Now add red chili powder and stir it by adding 1 spoon of water.

5- After that add soya sauce, vinegar and sugar to it, cook it until the slurry becomes like sauce, keep it on medium flame.

6. When oil starts separating, mix capsicum and cauliflower in it, cook it for 2 to 3 minutes. When vegetables are lightly cooked, then pour the egg whipped and stir it.

7. Then add rice in it and mix it well and cook for two minutes.

8. Serve it after adding green coriander.

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