Researcher succeeded in finding HIV cure that cuts out virus
Researcher succeeded in finding HIV cure that cuts out virus

Good news for HIV survivor,The team of researchers has succeeded in finding a cure for HIV,they succeed in cutting the virus out of infected cells which eradicate it permanently.The Temple University scientists believe that a gene editing technique, known as Crispr/Cas9, could pave the way for an injection to cure patients.

Kamel Khalili(leading researcher) said, “the findings are important on multiple levels as they demonstrate the effectiveness of the gene editing system in eliminating HIV from the DNA of CD4 T-cells and by introducing mutations in the viral genome, permanently inactivating its replication.”

He further added, “ the study shows that the system can protect cells from reinfection and that the technology is safe for the cells, with no toxic effects”

Kamel  noted that, “these experiments had not been performed previously to this extent, but the questions they address are critical and the results allow them to move ahead with this technology”

The study is published online in the Nature journal, Scientific Reports.

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