Rubina Dilaik and Abhinav Shukla, now the married couple have tied the knot on 21st June in Shimla. After taking the vow to each other the duo headed to Lucknow, the hometown of ‘Silsila Badalte Rishton ka’ fame actor. The couple made the appearance with their stunning donned attires in Mumbai at their marriage reception which they planned on 28th June.
The marriage that only goes with the family member and close friends gets wishes from all telly friends of the couple at the reception. The couple who was embellished with princess gown and white suit greeted their colleagues and friends. Drashti Dhami with her husband Neeraj Khemka and Shakti Arora with his wife Neha Saxena were the co-actors who attended the reception. The reception also witnessed the glamour of Vivian Dsena, Nia Sharma, Apurva Agnihotri, Shilpa Agnihotri, Sharad Kelkar, Keerti Kelkar, Srishty Rode, Manish Naggdev, Aditi Sharma and Sarwar Ahuja. Have a glance at actors astonishing form:
Notably, the newlyweds' couple met in Ganpati Visarjan at a common friend’s house. Whoever, the common friend was, the couple must thanking him or her now as their first meet ends with such a beautiful end.