Russia challenges WADA disagreeing with the ban
Russia challenges WADA disagreeing with the ban

Russia has challenged the four-year ban of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) imposed on it. Yuri Gannas, the head of Russia's anti-doping agency, said on Friday that we have sent documents to WADA as part of the due process. It has also sent notices expressing disagreement with the ban. He has also sent a letter to Wada in which he has again cleared his tough stand against doping. Russia's anti-doping agency has been claiming stern action against doping for a long time.

Yuri Ganas said, 'It is practically impossible to fight against the ban of Wada. They say that Russia should accept this ban and change its system by correcting its mistake. By the way, Ganaus's attitude towards doping has always been strict. Due to this, they are not getting backward from their own government. The same month, Wada banned Russia from sending athletes wrong samples. This would prevent him from participating in the Olympics and the 2022 Football World Cup. Expressing displeasure over the action of the Wada, the Russian President described it as politically motivated. He said that Russia would fight a legal battle against this ban.

Russia has entered the ninth country to be banned in the Olympics. If the ban continues, then for the first time no country's flag will be seen due to doping. Earlier, Austria, Bulgaria, Turkey, Hungary, Japan and Germany were banned for participating in the World War.

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