Saudi Arabia halts international flights after new 'out of control' mutant coronavirus strain appears in UK
Saudi Arabia halts international flights after new 'out of control' mutant coronavirus strain appears in UK

Riyadh: Many nations have begun to impose travel bans on the UK after it reported a more-infectious and out of control coronavirus variant. Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium have already banned flights from the UK. Now, Saudi Arabia on Sunday halted international flights and suspended entry through its land and seaports for at least a week.

The official Saudi Press Agency said, "The kingdom is "temporarily suspending all international flights -- except in exceptional cases -- for a period of one week, which can be extended by another week." Citing the interior ministry, SPA further added that entry to the kingdom through land and seaports will also be suspended for a week, which can be extended by another week. The suspension does not apply to international aircraft currently in the kingdom, which will be allowed to leave.

The development comes after several European countries banned travel from Britain on Sunday as the UK government warned that a highly infectious new strain of the virus was "out of control". An EU meeting on Monday morning will discuss a more coordinated response. The new variant has spread quickly in London and south-east England. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the infectiousness of the new strain had forced his hand into imposing a lockdown across much of England over the Christmas period.

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