Scientists says corona affects less on India compared to European countries
Scientists says corona affects less on India compared to European countries

New Delhi: So far 13 days have passed for Lockdown in India. Our war with the coronavirus is being appreciated all over the world. Now scientists from all over the world have started feeling that Indians have fortunately some things due to which this virus is not able to carry out its vigorous attack in the country.

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Recently, many scientists have claimed that in countries where there is more malaria infection, the coronavirus is not able to infect more people. Conversely, where the malaria disease has ended long ago, the corona attack is very dangerous. For example, in countries like America, Italy, England, France and Spain, the coronavirus has spread very fast. On an average, the number of coronavirus infected people is reaching millions. In all developing countries including India where there is an outbreak of malaria, the coronavirus cases are much less than in European countries.

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Dr. K Srinath Reddy, Chief of the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), while talking to the media, said that at this time the malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine has emerged as the most effective drug in the prevention of coronavirus. Many European countries, including America, China, South Korea, are treating the Coronavirus with this medicine. We are reviewing the relationship between coronavirus and malaria countries by scientists. However, it is not appropriate to say anything about it right now. But it is true that coronavirus infection is much less in India than other countries.

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