TV actors Shoaib Ibrahim and Dipika Kakar are spending a lot of quality time with their families due to the lockdown. Last night, Shoaib Ibrahim has also celebrated his mother's birthday with great pomp and during this time he decorated his entire house. These pictures have been shared by Shoaib on his Instagram account.
With this, for the birthday of the mother, Shoaib Ibrahim inflated a lot of balloons with the help of the children of the house. Every corner of the house of Shoaib Ibrahim looks quite beautiful. With this, Shoaib Ibrahim lavished a lot on his mother and with the help of Deepika and sister Saba, made cakes at home as well.
For your information, let us tell you that Shoaib Ibrahim clicked a lot of selfie with his mother. At the same time, Shoaib and Deepika are spending a lot of time with the family members amid the lockdown and both of them have made all the things at home on the mother's birthday. With this, seeing the love of children, the face of Shoaib's mother has shone. When Shoaib was tired amidst the decoration of the house, Deepika quickly made hot tea for him.
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