Aftab had withdrawn Rs 54k from Shraddha's account, another shocking revelation
Aftab had withdrawn Rs 54k from Shraddha's account, another shocking revelation

New Delhi: Shraddha Walker's case has created a sensation all over the world. This murder in Delhi has shocked everyone. Aftab Poonawalla, who killed Shraddha, is currently in police custody and was trapped due to the difference between the initial reply given to the police and the answer now. In fact, now he does not see any way to escape and seeing this, he has started opening the secrets. Yes and in this way, the surprising truth of the Shraddha murder case came out. Recently, Aftab said that he killed his live-in partner Shraddha and cut her into 35 pieces.

At the same time, he told how he kept the pieces of Shraddha's body in the fridge and was erasing evidence by throwing them in the forest of Mehrauli one by one every day at night. Yes and if anyone has played the biggest role in solving this six-month-old Shraddha murder case, then it is a transaction of 54 thousand from Shraddha's account to Aftab's account. In fact, 54 thousand rupees were transferred from Shraddha's account to Aftab's account. In such a situation, in his initial interrogation, Aftab had told the police that Shraddha left the house after fighting with him and after that, he did not know where she went. In such a situation, the question is that when Shraddha left the house after quarrelling, then why would she transfer her money to Aftab's account? Yes, this means that just like Aftab was operating Shraddha's Instagram account after her murder, he was also operating her bank account. This means he knew Shraddha's password and that is why he was able to transfer money from Shraddha's account to his account.

On October 26, the Vasai police recorded Aftab's statement for the first time. On May 14, Shraddha and Aftab came to Delhi from Mumbai and shifted to Chhatarpur's house. At the same time, Aftab said that on May 22, there was a fight and Shraddha left with her phone. On May 26, Shraddha's phone went off. But between May 22 and 26, money was transferred from Shraddha's account to Aftab's account. The location of the phone was also telling Chhatarpur. Yes and here the first lie was caught that if Shraddha had taken her phone, then why was Chhatarpur showing the location of her phone?

With this, 54 thousand transfers were made from Shraddha's account to Aftab's account. In such a situation, on November 11, when the Vasai Police and Delhi Police questioned Aftab together, Aftab said that he knew Shraddha's password and he had transferred the money. At the same time, when the Vasai police reached Aftab's stated whereabouts, Delhi address and location, the suspicion increased after seeing the situation there. Aftab was trying to confuse the police and was not telling anything right. However, now Aftab has opened all the truth and he has no regrets at all.

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