Mix this thinged in aloe vera gel and face will become blonde
Mix this thinged in aloe vera gel and face will become blonde

Roses are very beautiful, and rose flowers are loved by everyone. In fact, the smell of rose flowers is excellent and rose flowers are used on many special occasions. You can also use roses for the skin. 

Face pack of roses and honey- Take some fresh rose petals for this. Wash them. Soak in water for about an hour and then grind them. Now add a teaspoon of honey to this paste and mix it well. After this, apply it to the face and neck and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Now wash it off with plain water. You can use it 2 to 3 times a week if you want.

Face pack of rose and raw milk - To make this face pack, wash the rose petals and make a paste of them. Add some raw milk to it. Now apply this face pack on your face and neck and let it stay on the skin for 15 to 20 minutes. After this, wash it off with plain water and you can use it 2 to 3 times a week. It helps to make your skin glowing.

Face pack of roses and aloe vera - Wash the rose petals and grind it to make a paste. Now add 2 tsp fresh aloe vera gel to it and mix it well together. Now apply this pack to the face and neck. Leave it on the skin for 15 to 20 minutes. Then wash the skin with plain water. By the way, you can use this face pack 2 to 3 times a week.

Styling Myth, Best and Challenging part of being a stylist : Pyu Mishra

There will be no need to get a facial done if you apply this thing.

To increase the beauty of the eyes, apply mascara in this way

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