New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday granted one more month to complete the investigation in the Pegasus espionage case. The Supreme Court has given time till June 20 for the court-appointed panel to complete the investigation and submit its report. The committee, headed by former court judge RV Raveendran, informed the court that 29 mobile devices have been checked apart from interactions with several journalists and experts.
The technical committee is expected to submit its report to the Pegasus oversight panel by the end of May, after which the final report will be submitted to the Supreme Court by June 20. The Supreme Court on Friday said that the technical committee on Pegasus spyware is investigating 29 mobile phones and the statements of some people have also been recorded. The top court extended the time limit for submission of the probe report in the alleged Pegasus espionage case to a supervisory judge, saying it should be completed in four weeks. The court said that the standard operating procedure for testing of 'affected devices' will also be finalized.
Pegasus software is created by Israel-based NSO Group Technologies. The controversy about spying by Pegasus Software came to the fore not only in India but also in other countries last year. At the time, the software maker said that it only sold its services to governments. Earlier in April, the court panel asked all state director generals of police (DGPs) to inform whether they had purchased software from Israel's NSO Group.
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