Social media awareness on 'Breast Cancer'
Social media awareness on 'Breast Cancer'

Social Media like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are full of breast cancer awareness. People are sharing the different picture, in which you get to know how the breast cancer looks like. They are not sharing about how it feels like, but they share how it looks like so that you easily get to know if you see any changes.

Breast Cancer is especially meant for the girl, and that’s obvious. Breast cancer is spread across the world and each and every girl is at risk. There are several breast cancer awareness campaigns going on social media some of them are as follows.

1.Know Your Lemons, how your breast cancer looks alike – this awareness campaign is full of information and illustrations. Images are so much illustrative that you don’t need to feel anything. Just take a look at the image and see your body, you can easily identify if something is wrong with your body. This is very first step towards the awareness.

2.Breast Exam, feelings during the Checkup – with the help of graphics and images this campaign tells you everything, which you feel during the checkup of your cancer. This campaign is run by a website. Just after your periods are over or postmenopausal is the best time to diagnose yourself with breast cancer.

3.How to found your Breast Cancer – there is also images on social media which tells you how to diagnose your breast cancer easily.

Hopefully, god blesses you and doesn't get you in any trouble.


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