Something about Hippos
Something about Hippos

1. The common hippopotamus, or hippo, is a large, mostly herbivorous mammal in sub-Saharan Africa.Sub-Saharan Africa is the home to the second heaviest land mammal in the world — the hippopotamus.

2. Their dense bodies make it impossible for them to swim, even though they spend most of their time in the water.

3. The body of the hippopotamus is well suited for aquatic life.

4. They can weigh up to 3600 kg (8000 lb.)!

5. Mother hippos tend to give birth underwater.

6. Staying underwater helps the hippopotamus not feel the weight of its hulking frame. 

7. They then help the babies rise to the surface to breathe.

8. Newborns can only hold their breathe for 40 seconds, which increases to 30 minutes as adults.

9. While many people view the hippopotamus as a harmless and comic character, this is not actually the truth. In reality, the hippopotamus is a dangerous creature. They have powerful jaws and sharp teeth that can crush a crocodile or split a boat in two


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