Sputnik V Developers assure almost 2 years immunity against Covid 19
Sputnik V Developers assure almost 2 years immunity against Covid 19

The Gamaleya research centre deputy director of science, Denis Logunov, said on Monday that the centre expects the efficacy rate of its vaccine against the coronavirus, Sputnik V, to further increase. Sputnik V vaccine against COVID-19 is likely to provide up to two years of immunity from COVID-19, when compared to the four or five months immunity got by using the vaccine produced by Pfizer and BioNTech, said the institute. 

Alexander Gintsburg, the head of Russia's Gamaleya research institute, said, "Concerning our vaccine and the platform it was created on, the Ebola vaccine, there is experimental evidence that using this platform, using similar preparation methods, provides protection for two years at least, maybe more. It is difficult to say how long the Pfizer vaccine will give immunity, but based on the general findings from such vaccines, one must think that the period of protection will be no more than four to five months, although this requires experimental data". 

He added that the overall efficacy rate of 91.4 per cent was calculated for people who received both doses of vaccine. A statement from the centre says there are no  unexpected adverse events were identified as part of the research as of now, although some of those vaccinated had short-term minor adverse events such as pain at the injection point and flu-like symptoms, including fever, weakness, fatigue, and headache. Russia is the first country to register the world`s first COVID-19 vaccine on August 11, 2020 Sputnik V, named after Russia`s first satellite. 

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