Super blue blood moon: Timings to watch this lunar eclipse in India
Super blue blood moon: Timings to watch this lunar eclipse in India


An exceptional super blue blood moon is set to rise this Wednesday, Jan. 31.

On this day, the natural satellite will raise at 5:51 AM EST, which is 4:21 PM IST and set at 11:08 AM EST or 9:38 PM IST.  Those who are residing in Siberia, Australia, New Zealand and northwestern US and Canada will be fluky to witness the entire exceptional event because This kind of occurrence (a triple lineup like this) hasn't happened since 1982, and as per the reports, the next won't arise until 2037.

Major sections of Africa, South America and Europe will not be able to take pleasure in this celestial event.

India will be enjoying this event as an exceptional phenomenon will be visible here. The north-East will witness firstly this event between 4:21 PM and 5:18 PM IST while Rest of India will be able to see this Super blue blood moon between 5:18 PM IST and 6:21 PM IST.

The west coast and parts of Rajasthan will observe the celestial event from 6:21 PM IST to 7:37 PM IST on January 31.

Get ready to witness this unique celestial event.


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