On Saturday, The Tamil Nadu political party Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) released its manifesto ahead of Assembly elections. On this context, Party president M K Stalin speaks in a press conference and said that party committed to provide LPG subsidies, education loans and reservation in the private sector, among other things. The manifesto also promised to take steps to seek an early report from the commission step up to probe the death of former chief minister J Jayalalithaa.
Apart from it party made commitment for women also, to addressing the press conference DMK said it would extend maternity leave to 12 months. For children, he said they will be provided milk as part of their morning meals, and education loans would be waived for students below the age of 30. For your information let us share that Tamil Nadu votes in one phase on April 6. The results will be announced on May 2.
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