Telangana: A two-day trial of drones under the state government's 'Medicine from the Sky' project began in Vikarabad city on Thursday. The project is first of its kind in India as it is the first organized BVLOS drone trial in the country and is being conducted in healthcare as a domain. Vikarabad District Collector K. Nikhila formally inaugurated the trial run at the Parade Ground. Speaking on the occasion, he said, "This is the first time in India that a trial run is being conducted to deliver vaccines or medicines to remote areas using drone technology."
The project was formally launched on September 11 by Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia and Telangana Industries and Information Technology Minister K.T. Rama Rao. 'Medicine from the Sky' is an initiative of Telangana Government led by Emerging Technologies Wing of ITE&C Department in partnership with World Economic Forum, NITI Aayog and Healthnet Global (Apollo Hospitals). The project has received the final regulatory approval from the Ministry of Civil Aviation. Three of the eight selected consortiums, namely Bluedart Made Express Consortium (Sky Air), Helicopter Consortium (Marut Drones), and Curisfly Consortium (TechEagle Innovation), have already reached Vikarabad and tested their drones through VLOS and BVLOS flights. started.
From September 11, BVLOS drone flights will take place for a range of 9-10 km. These flights will be accompanied by consignments of vaccines, medical samples and other healthcare items. Sky Air said, “We are extremely happy to be a part of this project along with the Government of Telangana.” Swapnik Jakkampundi, Co-Founder, Mobility said.
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