No one stayed in this hotel with 10 thousand rooms in Germany
No one stayed in this hotel with 10 thousand rooms in Germany

Today we are going to tell you about a hotel which has been closed for many years. These hotels are on Rugen Island in the Baltic Sea, Germany, which has been deserted for 80 years. You will be surprised to know that this hotel has 10,000 rooms, No guests have stayed in this hotel till date. This hotel was built between 1936 and 1939. Hitler and his Nazi army ruled in Germany at that time. This hotel was built by the Nazis under the 'Strength through Joy' program. About 9000 workers were engaged in making it.

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The name of this hotel is Hotel da Prora (Prora Hotel). This name has been given because this hotel looks like a memorial. Prora means shrubby ground or wasteland. Actually, this hotel has been built about 150 meters from the sandy beach. The hotel is divided into eight housing blocks and is spread over an area of 4.5 kilometers. From the theater to the festival hall and swimming pool was also built in this hotel. Apart from this, the most special thing is that a cruise ship could also stand here.

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This hotel was not fully built yet. Before that, World War II started in 1939, after which its construction stopped and all workers were sent to work in Hitler's war factories. The war ended in 1945, but no attention was paid to this hotel again. This hotel is almost ruined now. It is said that if this hotel was fully built, then it would be considered the largest and most luxurious hotel in the world.

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