New rules for abortion
New rules for abortion

Abortion means aborting the unborn child of a woman. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 is in force to regulate abortion in India. Under this, only a registered doctor can perform an abortion. It is done when the mental or physical health of the pregnant woman is at risk, or the fetus may have serious deformities.

Abortion laws in India

Following are the laws regarding abortion in India:

  1. Doctor's approval: Abortion requires the permission of a qualified doctor. If the doctor feels that abortion is necessary for the health of the baby or the mother, permission may be granted.

  2. Time limit: There is a time limit for abortion:

    • Up to 20 weeks: If a pregnant woman is less than 20 weeks pregnant, an abortion can be performed on the advice of a doctor.
    • 20 to 24 weeks: During this period, the advice of two doctors is necessary for abortion. This rule is especially applicable for rape victims, minors, or women with mental and physical problems.
    • After 24 weeks: After this time abortion can be done only with the approval of the medical board.

Abortion laws in Japan

Abortion is legal in Japan too, but it requires the consent of the partner. Japanese women have to obtain their partner's consent before taking the abortion pill. This means that abortion alone is not allowed; both the woman and her partner must agree. Only then will the doctor allow the abortion.

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