Many things are banned in this world's largest country
Many things are banned in this world's largest country

In the current world, the activities of some countries become the center of global discussion from time to time, and Russia is a prime example of this. This country is still established as a major global power due to its military strength, energy resources, and political influence, even though it has many international sanctions imposed on it. How Russia has kept itself so strong despite various challenges is an important question, the answer to which lies in its efficient strategies, resources, and diplomacy.

International sanctions imposed on Russia

Russia has been subjected to several severe sanctions by various international organizations and countries, mainly due to some of its controversial activities. These sanctions began in 2014, when Russia annexed the Crimea region of Ukraine. Apart from this, Russia has also faced criticism many times due to cyber attacks, human rights violations, and other political issues. The US, the European Union, and many Western countries have imposed strict economic and trade sanctions on Russia in response to these controversial activities.

The biggest impact of these sanctions has been on Russia's banking, energy, and defense industries. Sanctions were aimed at these key sectors in order to weaken Russia's economy and limit its political ambitions. The sanctions caused many foreign companies to limit or end their business in Russia, putting pressure on the country's economic situation.

Importance of military power and energy resources

One of Russia's greatest strengths is its massive military power and abundance of natural resources. The country is one of the world's largest energy producers, particularly in the field of oil and natural gas. Russia's energy wealth not only strengthens its economy, but it also gives it an important place on the global political stage. The energy needs of many European countries depend on Russia, which makes them hesitant to take tough measures against Russia.

In addition, Russia's strong military presence also keeps it a major force on the global stage. Russia has equipped its military with cutting-edge weapons and technology, and it is because of its military power that it has been able to influence global issues.

Excellence in Politics and Diplomacy

Russia's political and diplomatic strategies play an important role in maintaining its power. Russia has played an active role in international organizations such as BRICS, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Russia's activism in these organizations has given it a strong position in global politics.

Apart from this, Russia has also skillfully used its diplomatic strategies. It has maintained its influence on various international issues and strengthened political and economic relations with many countries. This strategy of Russia has ensured its presence on the global stage despite sanctions.

Economic self-reliance and coping with sanctions

Despite the sanctions, Russia has focused on increasing its economic self-sufficiency. It has taken several steps to strengthen its internal economy despite the decline in foreign trade and investment. Russia has adopted new policies to achieve self-sufficiency in key sectors such as agriculture, energy, and defense, which has limited the impact of sanctions on its economy.

Russia's global influence and future challenges

The example of Russia shows that despite international sanctions, a country's strength depends on its resources, diplomacy, and global political importance. Russia has maintained itself as an important global player through its military power, energy resources, and diplomacy.

However, Russia may face many challenges in the future. International sanctions will continue to impact its economy, and increasing competition in global politics may affect its diplomatic relations. Despite this, Russia has proven that a country's strength is not only affected by sanctions, but also based on its capabilities, strategies, and global role. Russia  remains one of the most powerful countries in the world even today, despite many types of international sanctions. Its military power, energy resources, and diplomatic strategies give it a prominent place in global politics. Despite the sanctions, Russia's capabilities and influence cannot be denied. This example of Russia shows that a country's role in the global balance of power depends on its internal capabilities and strategies, not just international sanctions.

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