The hidden meaning behind famous company logos !
The hidden meaning behind famous company logos !

Ever wondered where the piece of apple go in the logo or why there's a big M in the McDonald's logo. Well if yes then here are the answers for your questions.

  • The Apple Logo : Alan Turing, father of Computer science, cracked enigma codes during world war 2 which saved millions of lives. Being a gay he was assassinated by giving an apple containing cyanide. He died by just taking a bite. The company adopted it as a logo to pay homage to it.
  • McDonald's : There's no unusual story behind. The M in the logo just stands for McDonald's.
  • BMW : The blue and white colour represents a rotor in motion. BMW had a role in the World War 2 by providing them aircrafts engines by germany military.
  • Mercedes - Benz : The logo clearly represents confidence and domination. The tri star represents the company's dominition on land, air and sea.
  • Audi : The four rings of Audi are not just simple four rings but each stands for a company i.e DKW , Horch , Wanderer and Audi.


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