The young man was not getting the lighter, so he took a creepy step
The young man was not getting the lighter, so he took a creepy step

In an unbelievable incident, a man set his scooter on fire to light a cigarette. The incident took place on Thursday afternoon in Rajendra Nagar area of ​​the city. According to eyewitnesses, the man was riding a scooter and wanted to smoke a cigarette. When he couldn't find a lighter, he opened the lid of the petrol tank and lit a matchstick in it. As soon as the fire started, he immediately lit the cigarette and started smoking peacefully.

This incident frightened the people nearby. He immediately informed the police and tried to extinguish the fire. Police reached the spot and controlled the fire. The police have taken the person into custody and he is being interrogated. The man said he couldn't find a lighter and was desperate to smoke a cigarette.

This incident is a vivid example of negligence. Setting fire to a petrol tank can be extremely dangerous and could lead to a major accident. People should learn a lesson from this incident and should not do such carelessness. It is always safe to use a lighter or matchstick to smoke a cigarette.

Some important aspects of this incident:

  • The person carelessly set fire to the petrol tank and lit a cigarette.
  • This incident is a warning to the people.
  • It is always safe to use a lighter or matchstick to smoke a cigarette.

What lesson do we learn from this incident:

  • We should always take care of safety.
  • We should not be careless.
  • We should also make others aware of safety.

This incident once again alerts people about accidents occurring due to negligence. We should always take care of safety and should not be careless like this.

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