'There are 19 thousand startups in the country: Defense Minister Rajnath
'There are 19 thousand startups in the country: Defense Minister Rajnath

Patna: Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said that India is going through an Amrit period at this time. We will transform India from a developing nation to a developed nation by 2047. Teachers have an important contribution in the field of education. The contribution of the teacher in reaching this qualification should not be forgotten. When I was being told after becoming the Education Minister of UP, I met my teachers whose feet I touched. When you study, look only at the qualities of teachers, not the vices. This is not a convocation programme, it is a convocation. There is a sense of sanskar from the convocation. You must have read 'Infosys vs Al Qaeda', it has been written, "Everyone is studying, but the right use of their education is the culture of education." This was stated by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh at the second convocation of Gopal Narayan Singh University at Devmangal Auditorium in Jamuhar.

No one can be big with a small mind, no one can stand with a broken heart. India is constantly growing, the economy is constantly growing. By 2027, India will be at the first place in the economy. We are also working fast in infrastructure, in which the youth are the main contributor. Nowadays, young people are working on startups, earlier there used to be only 400-500 startups. Today, there are more than 19000 startups in the country. India is moving very fast by working on new technology.

Addressing the function, Bihar BJP state president Samrat Chaudhary said that the people of Bihar also top the UPSC exam in the country and get the first place in studies. At the same time, it has always been seen that Pandit Chanakya's hand has always been on Bihar and UP. Magadha has ruled India three times, people here will be found everywhere. Our thinking should also be at the sub-divisional level of the medical college. This university is giving a different dimension to the children of Bihar. Every year, out of about 15 lakh children from Bihar, only 6 lakh children live in Bihar, the rest go out for studies.

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