A phone call changed Tim Cook's life
A phone call changed Tim Cook's life

Today means November 1 is the birthday of Apple CEO Tim Cook. Tim Cook's name comes among the top CEOs in the world. He has been the CEO of Apple since August 2011. Tim Cook was born on November 1, 1960, in Alabama. He was born into a very normal family. His father Donald was a shipyard worker and his mother was a housewife. He completed his study of industrial engineering in 1982 with the Auburn University of Alabama. And then MBA from Duke University in 1988. After graduation, Cook started pursuing a career in computer technology. He started with IBM company. After working with IBM for 12 years, Cook became a Reseller Division CEO in Intelligent Electronics in 1994. Three years later, he joined Compaq Computer Corporation as vice president of the corporate materials. However, he worked here for only 6 months. Then, Tim Cook moved to Apple.

Cook said in 2010 after 12 years in Apple that the biggest discovery of his life was the result of a single decision to join Apple. However, it was not a simple decision. Cook started working at Apple in 1998. At that time, the company did not make gadgets like iMac, iPod, iPhone or iPad. The company's profits were steadily declining. According to Cook, he received a suggestion not to join the company before joining Apple and was told that the company did not have a good future. According to him, the company's sales had been declining for years. And it was said that the company would close down. But within a year of Tim Cook's arrival in the company, the company began to make profits. Cook first became the executive vice president of the company and then CEO. As a CEO, he took over the company's worldwide sales and operations. Cook was made Apple's CEO in August 2011. Before him, the post was held by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.

On August 11, 2011, Tim Cook received a call that changed his life. Steve Jobs was on the other side when he picked up the phone. He asked Cook to come to his house. Jobs had cancer at that time and was undergoing treatment for the same. He was diagnosed with the disease in 2003 and has been fighting the disease ever since. Cook asked Jobs when he came and Jobs asked him to come immediately. Cook immediately reached his house. Jobs then told him that he wanted Tim Cook to become the CEO of the company.

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