Storm Eunice: UK issues red weather warning for the coming days
Storm Eunice: UK issues red weather warning for the coming days

The Met Office in the United Kingdom issued a rare red weather warning for Storm Eunice on Friday, predicting extremely strong winds and significant disruption throughout most of the country. The warning was issued after Storm Dudley knocked out power to thousands of people in England and caused all trains in Scotland to be cancelled on Wednesday, according to media reports.

The Met Office has issued a red warning, the highest level, for Britain's southwest coastal areas, where the most significant gusts in exposed locations could reach 90 mph as early as Friday morning. The red warning suggested "a significant danger to life," said to Met Office meteorologist Frank Saunders, since particularly high winds might cause internal damage and flying debris.

Storm Eunice was predicted to cause significant disruption and dangerous circumstances, thus people were warned to avoid travelling in that area. All trains in Wales will be cancelled on Friday, according to the media. On Thursday, the British government conducted an emergency Cobra meeting to assess the storm's reaction, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated that the army was "on readiness" to assist the people affected.

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