Dehradun: Thieves robbed shop during lockdown
Dehradun: Thieves robbed shop during lockdown

Dehradun: The fear of Corona growing continuously across the country is causing trouble for the people, but a new chain of crime and incidents has started in the midst of lock-down to prevent this virus, which is constantly coming to the fore. Stealing, murder cases are completely shaking people. This new form of crime is constantly being encouraged. Due to Coronavirus, the thieves have lost their fear that they are also threatened by this virus, but they are constantly committing the crime.

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According to the sources, during the corona lockdown when policemen are deployed at every intersection. During that time, thieves cleaned hands at a shop in the capital Dehradun which has caused a stir in the police department.

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According to the information, on Monday night at Suri Chowk, Race Course in Doon, the thieves robbed the stuff kept in a shop. The thieves stole laptops, printers and swap machines kept in the shop. The police line is located a short distance from the place where the theft took place. Police has reached the spot. CCTV is being investigated. The work of making Aadhar card is done in the shop.

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