Rate of corona infected in Uttarakhand is less than national average
Rate of corona infected in Uttarakhand is less than national average

Uttarakhand government has breathed a sigh of relief for not having a single corona positive case for the second consecutive day. It is comforting that the rate of corona infects in Uttarakhand is lower than the national average. In the country, this rate is 3.5 Corona positive per 100 tests, although in Uttarakhand it is still around two and a half percent. The way in which the index of corona positive cases has gone up in the last fortnight has worried the mechanism that succeeded in treating seven cases. According to social worker Anoop Nautiyal, who has been continuously analyzing the cases of corona infections, the rate of corona positive on April 1 was just 1.37%. On April 2, the rate continued to rise, with two Corona positive cases increasing.

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On April 8, the number of Corona positive had increased to 35. According to him, on April 6, the rate of corona positive cases was 3.11%. But for the last two days, all the samples sent from the test have come up negative and the number of corona positives is still stable. The risk of corona infection remains in the state. The government does not want to take any risk in this matter. There is a preparation to increase the scope of investigation at its level. Experts believe that the real picture of corona infection will be revealed only then more people will be investigated.

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An average of 150 samples are being sent to Uttarakhand every day for examination of corona. Meanwhile, the government has declared 14 residential hotspots in Dehradun, Haridwar, Roorkee, Almora, Haldwani and Udham Singh Nagar. According to the Bulletin of the Health Department, 40413 people have been quarantined in homes. 3770 people have been quarantined in various institutions. The biggest and first pressure on the government is to have at least rape anti-fence test for more than 44 thousand people quarantined. For this, the government is already making arrangements.

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